Tuesday, January 11, 2011

procrastination is such a wonderful thing

Studying for the physics final, however, is not. I think it's been established by now that none of the Curly Fries really have good science teachers. Some have better teachers than others, but none are particularly knowledgeable. So we're probably not going to do as well as we could on the final. Whee. >.<

Speaking of science, our Division B Science Olympiad team doesn't seem likely to make it to states this year, considering that all the competent people are going to be away at Latin Convention on the day of the regional competition. This is not good.

I really should be reading up on the Haitian/South American/French/other revolutions right now (ugh the history final is in two days ugh). Perhaps I should go do that now.

There are no amusing Latin-textbook scenes from me, so you'll just have to be content with this text.


1 comment:

  1. eweee finals... I'm just trying not to think about them... ughh
