Monday, January 10, 2011

Guess what Tomorrow is? 1/11/11!!

Hello, people of the Milky Way Galaxy et alia!! How has your Monday been? Mine has been rather average. You know how Mondays are. I don't have any exciting news to share besides:
1. Finals start on Friday (omg imma dieeeeee!)
2. We're having a 6LCF partay on the Friday after finals XD

So, in my Bible studies class (which is awesome, by the way) we did this riddle thing and I wanted to post it on here but it's about religion and non-religious people probably wouldn't even get it. Instead, I think that I shall post a random riddle on here. Never mind. Google doesn't provide riddles that meet my high expectations. Do you guys know any good riddles? Now look at these fun pictures.

This is a picture from an old Latin book. Sextus, the guy with his mouth open, is Virgil's son. :O

Gotta get some studying done now.


  1. This is the Latin book in which the characters are stuck in a ditch for, like, six months, right?

  2. They get stuck in the ditch in Ecce Romani 1. In Ecce Romani II, they have much better things to do, like dreaming about getting mugged & getting out of bed.....

  3. Ha. /You're/ gonna die? No...I'm gonna die. Seeing as for the packets, I've only done 1 (@xiy+House, I'm talking about "1" as in, Maggie's done "18"...lawlz)

  4. I've actually reread this post like five times in an attempt to put off studying.
