Monday, January 17, 2011

I Forgot that it's Monday...

Happy Martin Luther King Day!!! Yay! No school! I forgot it was Monday because it feels like Sunday and I almost forgot to post. I know that I should be studying, but I can't! It's just too difficult. I might edit this post later because it sucks so much. But for now, this is all you're getting. Woohoo!
d d ghup hdui
P.S. I made a 14 page math study guide yesterday. *dies*


  1. Gaaaah studying. >.<
    See, at least you bothered with a study guide. I've just been sort of looking over the notes.

    Oh, hey, I get to post tomorrow and describe the harrowing results of a math/English final. Yay.

  2. Did anyone go to my blog? Did anyone see the flashing thing on the side? The "holy crap" thing?
    idk. Anyways...ha. I'm gonna diiiiiiiiiieee
