Friday, October 29, 2010

Six months heyyyy.

Heyy. Six months. Impressive, y'all. Half a year? I'm so proud *tear tear*

I dunno if any of you want to, but feel free to add things here...
Carrie: Quid? Whoops. Hehe, yayy!! Six months is a long time... That's like, half of a year. ^_^ Btw, sorry 'bout uhh, yesterday. That was my bad. ._. pweasedon'tkillme. and yeahhh, I'm kinda late on this, too. Ugh. I'm such a fail! oh well, yay. Happy time.


Virgil: Six months!! Yayy!! I love you guys so much, and I think we should keep doing this forever and ever and ever until all six of us are dead. [And when we're dead we should try for reincarnation and then keep going?]

xiy: Whee, six months. Wow. It's gone by so quickly. It's like we just had the one-monthiversary, and now we're on the sixth. That's really all I've got to say. Long live 6LCF, I guess. I hope everybody likes the banner. Coloring things on Gimp is what xiy does when xiy is trying to procrastinate on stupid Moodle quizzes. ^.^

But yeah. Congrats to us for being super awesome.

Back to the actual holiday that's superdupersoon:
Happy Pretty-Much-Halloween :D
Today was the day where everyone at our school dressed up.  It could be turned into a pretty interesting data set, actually... you've got people that don't put any effort in [i.e. don't dress up], people that put a little effort [i.e. maybe, like, a hat or something], people that actually get together a costume, people that get together a legit costume, and people that go all out.  (The sub categories being things like: girls who want... um, attention from the boys; groups that legitimately try and then succeed in epicness; cute little couples that match cutely; groups of girls who all dress in the same tight minidresses with slight alterations; people whose costumes are a win win win win win; and people who are dressed actually not that much differently than they usually do.)

The only other thing I can think of is actually a question for xiy and Lynda, my Asian friend consultants:
We watched a tiny bit of this crazy-butt Chinese horror(?) movie in Mandarin I today. I was wondering if it's actually that friggin crazy, or if I just didn't understand the plot line. It's called, like "Painted Heart," or Painted something... ( is like the music video to it...?)

So... yeah.

Happy Friday, y'all.
With all due respect,

P.S. NaNo is just around the corner! *evil cackling*


  1. Erm, I've got absolutely no idea what that "Painted Heart" thing is about. It looks sort of interesting, though. You should ask Lynda; she's got more experience with Chinese shows.

  2. Maybe it's Painted Skin... creepy as crap, though. I'd totes look into it, seeing as you'd actually at least understand more than the "ni/ta/wo men bu shi"s of the dialogue :P
