Monday, October 4, 2010

AAAAH!!!!! IT'S ALMOST (ish) NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!

I am so excited/scared/lost/pumped/nervous about the start of November. On the one hand (μεν) it is my birthday month and NaNoWriMo on the other hand (δε) it's NaNoWriMo! If you don't know what NaNo is, you are crazy. Especially since we've been writing about it for so long. If you still haven't figured out what this magical thing is, go here and check out all the fun stuff. Of the 6 of us, only four have competed in NaNoWriMo before (that being last year). Hopefully the other two (House and Carrie wink wink nudge nudge) will join us this year in the crazy writing that we all love so dearly. Now, I know that 50,000 seems like a small number from an outsider's stand point, but just to show how much 50k really is, this post is only 139 words. It may look like a lot but it's really only .003 of a NaNo novel. Don't expect long posts from us cool people in November....or possibly none at all...
More bad news: I have to post on November 1st. I post on Mondays. Therefore November 1st is a Monday and I have to post and write at least 5,000 words. Or that's my goal at least. Don't forget that November 1st is a MONDAY! We have SCHOOL on Mondays. We also have Greek on Mondays at 7:10 IN THE MORNING. This oughta be fun...

Guess what?!? Virgil might join me and xiy in fencing!!! Virgil came and checked out the class, but wasn't allowed to fence due to liability stuff, but she was able to learn some foot work and do exercises with us. I hope she joins because then 1/2 of the 6LCF will be doing a sport together and it'd be wicked awesome. 
Secret Message #1: Poofy is a jocker!!!
Secret Message #2: Virgil's learning Chinese :O
I really don't have much to say...I have to think of a NaNoWriMo plot. 
Secret Message #3: If you haven't found these Anyway, write about your favorite food in the comments.



  1. Erm, I like plums and spaghetti and shrimp and green beans and French fries and many many more. x3

    Yeah. See, my crazy plan is to skip trick-or-treating, go to sleep really early, wake up at, like, 4AM, and then do NaNo for three hours before Greek. xD
    And I'm only going fencing on Mondays in November, probably, since it's the most sensible day to do so--there's not too much homework and my wordcount'll be padded from the weekend so I have a margin for error if I can't make 1,667 (2K, preferably) words.
    This November's certainly going to be interesting. . .

  2. I don't know what I'm going to do >.< right now I'm just taking it one day at a time, trying to complete my outline before the end of October. Yikes!



  4. I like potatoes...and pumpkin pie. they're good. Yes, poofy is a jocker. have an outline? :O...
