So you should know the routine by now. Get your food (there's ice cream today!), get your beverage (sparkling apple cider, anyone?), pet Archie the sheep if you want, and come sit down. I've got things to tell you today.
First off: As the title says, the Six Little Curly Fries are getting a new banner/title/header/logo/thing! Since I am the artist of this little clique (yup, it's what we are), I have been commissioned (without pay, though, so it's kind of an oxymoron) to draw it. It is comprised of us six curly fries plus Archie ('cause he's just that special) riding on Momo (well, techinally House and House's boyfriend)'s dinosaur, Kitty. Right now it's mostly black and white, but by the time I'm done with it, there should be color. Our names are on our shirts for quick and easy identification.
Secondly, I would like to rant a little bit about my cooking class (you may, as always, skip this paragraph should you get bored/annoyed with my petty teenage-ness/sleepy/etc...). The following will be in CAPS LOCK OF DOOM: ARGH I HATE COOKING SO MUCH THE TEACHER IS STUPID MY *PARTNERS* ARE STUPID (mostly just one partner, really, but still) THE FOOD IS SO RIDICULOUSLY OILY ARGH ARGH ARGH [/caps lock of doom] (House, I know the grammar in that is atrocious; it was for ranting purposes). So, today I had to wash all the used, gross dishes of the class before mine, then I had to do about 90% of the actual cooking work, and then I had to STAY AFTER (sorry 'bout the caps lock) to "dry" the STUPID, STUPID dishes just because the teacher has never heard of something called "air drying."
I realize that Lynda is generally the ranter, but I had to get it off of my chest.
Lastly, I would like to finish this post off with a Peanuts comic (from May 27, 1963). Linus and Charlie Brown are talking about notebooks, and I think this accurately portrays my feelings (or my feelings when I was little) about said objects.
It's a little hard to read, so here's what it says:
1st panel--CB: This is a notebook I bought for a social studies project...
2nd panel--CB: This is a notebook I bought for an English theme, this is a notebook I bought for a biology report, and this is a notebook I bought for a geography report.
3rd panel--Linus: You must enjoy doing these projects, huh, Charlie Brown?
4th panel--CB: No, I'm just fascinated by notebooks!
(Doncha just love Peanuts!! Isn't it just awesome? ^.^ Don't worry; I won't got mad at you if you don't).
P.S. Yeah, this post's a bit short; sorry.
What happened to the end of the comic strip?
ReplyDeleteI edited it. It's readable now (and I provided a handy-dandy translation should it be too hard to read :D).
ReplyDeleteyou can never have too many notebooks :)
ReplyDeletexiy, I liked the post. Quite good, quite good....