Friday, May 18, 2012

a quick post before I go to bed

Hey hey, readers and purveyors of this lovely blog! How is your third Friday of this month going? It's lateish now and I want to catch up on sleep (lovely lovely post-AP sleep), so this is going to be short. Basically I'm just glad the bulk of studytimez is over; there's only really math to worry about now, which is awesome.

We have to take a personal finance class now that there is no American history to overfill our brains with (I returned my books yesterday, and it was actually kind of sad ;A;), and the enormity of adult life is really quite a scary thing. We should just be children forever.

Anyway. It's eleven o'clock right now. I don't have any good books to read, which is disappointing. Well, that's not quite true; I'm reading This Side of Paradise, but Fitzgerald is only good in small doses in the right frame of mind, and I'm too sleepy to concentrate on the beauteous writing. I wish I could write half as well.


1 comment:

  1. Except that you can write more than half as well.
