Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today is Thursday.

The last Thursday before...

We shant speak of it.

Anyway. Tomorrow is our marching band performance. All of the squads (groups of 4-5 of like instruments) can dress up in costumes together. 
For example, my group considered:
  1. Disney princesses
  2. Trees (?)
  3. Strippers (not my idea in any way)
  4. Cops that are really strippers (still not my idea)
  5. Harry Potter characters
  6. Skittles
  7. alcoholic beverages (once again, not my idea)
  8. playing cards
  9. dominos
  10. the 7 Dwarves
  11. Antoine Dodsen(s)
  12. Cars
We ended up choosing cars because it would be the easiest. All we're wearing are t-shirts with the logos of various cars on the front. 
We're really lazy.

What else?

Uuuh. A giant storm just passed through. It was crazy.

Wasn't that a fun and lazy summer post?

It was.


1 comment:

  1. Lynda wants to know what an Antoine Dodsen is (I do too).

    SCHOOL. D:
