Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gahhhh. So. Tired. NeedSleepNow.

But I can't! D: 

I had such a busy day. 4/6 Curly Fries had their first marching band show today. (Yes, I was one of the 4 involved.) It was much fun. However, it was very hot and many of us almost passed out from heat. -.- *Cough cough* Me, myself, and I. *cough* And little freshman like to poke their flip folders and lyres into my spine, even after I turn around and give them dirty looks. *Mumble, mumble* 

It was also my momma's birthday today! :D I plan on celebrating it tomorrow though. Since today I had the football game and then we went my aunt's for ice cream cake and dinner. Mmmmm.... 

Now that I think about it, not much happened today. 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. The show was really great though. Did you see the Youtube video? The B-side wheel of the motorcycle spins like a boss.

  2. I hope you see this comment! The show was absolutely fabulous and I'm exceedingly jealous that the band was never that good while I was in it... Keep up the excellent work! :)
