Monday, June 13, 2011

Name Change and VIDEO

Hey all.

So originally, I wanted to post the brand new 6LCF video of QWOP...but it's not done loading, and I have to go to it's not going to be posted today. However, it will definitely be done tomorrow, so I shall post it tomorrow, okay? Sorry for the wait and the disappointment. I tried to make it upload faster, but 'Crucio' doesn't seem to work on Youtube. *sigh* Muggle inventions are so annoying >.< Know that the video is amazing, and will knock your socks off! It's soooo awesome! :D

Anyways, since I can't post the video, I really don't have much to post about. It's summer, and so my extremely-boring-and-short posts will probably start up again. However, today, I have a very important thing to announce! I, Lynda, will be changing my pseudonym to "Kat" (for those of you who didn't know it, our names are FAKE. dur dur dur. I mean come on, who's real name is 'xiy' or 'House'??? (the show does not count)) The name Lynda is not as anonymous as I would like it to be, a belated anniversary thing (hehehe) I will be changing it to Kat. Hope y'all don't mind, as I'll be the same person, but with a different name. I do like the name Kat...

Have a great night! (*yawn*)


*I'll be signing like this for about 2 more times, just so you guys can get used to the idea.

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