Thursday, June 9, 2011

Are You Sure It's Summer?

Today is the last day of school for the elementary-middle school students. It seems as if it's been an eternity since our last final on Monday, but it still doesn't quite feel like summer.
 Yes, it's hot. 
Yes, it's unbearably muggy. 
Yes, I've eaten an unusual amount of ice cream. 
But no, it does not feel like summer yet. Odd. 

I'm sad. 
I was supposed to go to work with my daddy today. I was very excited. 
I packed some books (APUSH eeeewww) and laid out some clothes, set my alarm and went to bed.
Then, when I woke up at 8:45 this morning instead of 6:15, I became very upset.
Shortly after, my dad called home to see if I was awake. He said I was sleeping, so he didn't wake me up. 
My stupid alarm clock slows itself down and ends off being a few hours off by the time it's supposed to go off. Grrr.

So, the 6LCF have some new plans for this weekend. There's a cool parade where we live next Saturday. We're all going to Carrie's house and then we'll take the train to the parade. When that's over, we'll train back over to my house where we will hang out until it's dark and then play flash-light tag. 
Also, yesterday we QWOPed but Carrie wasn't there which sort of caused tension but it's all good now.
I'm trying to fit as many activities with other human beans into my day as possible before I go to Germanland. I want to have fun before I go to school again. 

Speaking of which! I don't know if I even formally explained my Germanland trip. On the 18th (a week and 2 days from today) I will be shipped off to Germanland to live with some friends for about 5 1/2 weeks. I'll go to school for a few of those weeks and then take a train up north for my uncle's 60th birthday party. I will probably still be able to post. I think. 

To everyone else: What are your plans for the summer (if any)? Don't say doing homework/studying. That doesn't count.

I can't wait until Saturday!!! Woot!


P.S. Have any of you looked through your old posts? I just looked at the ones from around this time last year. It is so weird to see how our style has/hasn't changed and reminisce on the olden days.
P. P. S. I just had an idea!!!! What if we each wrote letters to ourselves in the future and had them be posted on a certain day in the future? Yes, no?


  1. All my old posts seem so weird now. I can't even remember what I was thinking when I wrote them.

    Germanland sounds fun. I don't think I'm doing any traveling this summer, but I do plan to do volunteering at the botanical gardens. And also this weird camp my mom signed me up for that I don't think is going to be very fun. But maybe it will be. :|

    Didn't we already do that, though? Last summer?

  2. But posts, not letters/time capsule this time.

  3. gah. summer reading. forgot about that. now I have to go find someone who's taking Am. Ex.. oh wait, think we're reading the Kindle? i dunno, I'll check...
    but yay! Saturday :D

  4. I'm going to Scottishland, but not until later in the summer.

    That's a cool idea. It would be like in English class, only with House this time :)
