Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meant to Be

(Haha, that's funny, cuz it's the name of my fanfiction that I'm writing.)
So I was going to post a video, but I don't have any more time left. Sorry. I'll stick it in here tomorrow, so come back again tomorrow!
Hi! This is the first post that I've written on the day it's being posted in 3 weeks! Be excited! The topic of today is...LOVE!!! (Stop laughing, House, I can hear you from my sleep)

OK, so if you know me, you know that I don't really enjoy the whole mushy-mushy-love-love-squee! thing. BUT, today, I thought of something, and I had to post about it. My thought?

What if the person that I was going to fall in love with was on that boat?

I know, I know, everyone at point thinks that, or...something like it. Replace boat with car/plane/bus/picture, and "fall in love with" with marry/like/frick, and that's basically what most people think. But the point is, the person I might fall in love with, or marry might be reading this post! Like, DUDE! HIIIIII!!!! HI PERSON IMMA FALL IN LOVE WITH AND/OR MARRY!!!! HOW DO YOU DO?! PLEASE WRITE ME A COMMENT SAYING "HI!"!!!!! ;D lol. That was fun.

ha, anyways, moving on, twu wuv is cool. I wonder if any of the 6LCF will experience it. House and EZ might, Poofy and Virgil....meh, I'm still a bit bitter about Virgil being my ex-wifey (see, we were married, and then the girl goes and cheats on me...) so I dunno about that pairing. Carrie and her current boyfriend...All I can say is, please no, please. I really don't like her boyfriend all that much. But that's okay! She likes him, and that's cool. Although if I ever get a boyfriend (highly unlikely in HS), please tell me if he's ick. Thank you. Oh, and if I start going mushy, I give all the Curly Fries permission to splash me with ice water and go, "WAKE UP, LYNDA, YOU'RE ACTING STUPID."  *giggle*

Right. That's pretty much all. WAIT! No. I have a little rant to go through. So there's this girl, right? And she's on Crew with me, and so, originally, the Spirit Day for tomorrow was to wear a skirt and our spandex uniform tank top (which is....not pretty), and this girl, apparently doesn't like skirts. I'm fine with that. You don't like 'em, sure, it's your opinion. But if someone else has a different opinion, say, the rest of the freshmen on the team (including me, I like skirts), you DON'T GO YELLING AND CRYING JUST CUZ THEY SAY THAT YOU SHOULD WEAR A SKIRT. WE TELL YOU THAT BECAUSE WE THINK YOU MIGHT LOOK PRETTY, AND YOU SHOULD AT LEAST TRY IT BEFORE YOU SAY YOU HATE THEM. I JUST WANNA SMACK YOU RIGHT NOW, AND I MOST DEFINITELY WANTED TO SMACK YOU THEN. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH! YOU ANNOYING, SELF-CENTERED, OVER-SENSITIVE, BUTTHEAD! *breathe in, breathe out*...hooo-haaaa-hooo-haaa.....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I DISLIKE YOU GREATLY. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU HIT ME MULTIPLE TIMES TODAY ON THE BUS FOR NO DAMN REASON!!!!!!! wuuuuuuussssaaaaaaa.....*calming breaths*....hhhhhhhooooooosssaaa....

OK! I'm good.
Luv, Lynda

P.S. I love fiddling with video editing software...


  1. housie house houseApril 8, 2011 at 1:48 AM

    hahaha don't worry, I'll tell you if he's ick ;D

  2. hehe. I hope I get the chance to dump a bucket of ice water on you someday. <3

  3. Hi. lol

    Goodness, all over a skirt? Wow. Sounds fun.

  4. awh Lynda. you were able to walk with us on Monday! you really don't like him. :( boo. okay then. well, i mean, you only have accepted one of my boyfriends.

    hahahahahahhahahahah. that one girl... from crew. hur hur. golly. it is a big deal, even I've witnessed it. o.o
