Friday, January 21, 2011

muggles and curly fries

Hey, y'all.

Guess what we don't have to do for a-entire-nother semester? Finals. That's right. We're done with our winter finals. D-o-n-frikkin-e. Yay us for memorising this far, right? :)

I would say that the past couple days have been very adequate celebration. The 6LCF all chilled at Momo's and had a super fun sleepover complete with...

Doodles! (the title: "Things that R round," next to the scores for our card game. daddy, be proud.)

look at the pretty view!!!

As you can see, we had a pretty wicked time. Jealous? I think so.

In other news...
Guess what starts this Sunday?
Quidditch season is kicking off, yo.
I'll be the ref for a game xiy, Virgil, and Linda get to play in. Best of luck to you guys!
The only concern I have at the moment is how the high (as of now) is ~15°F... ugh. That's gonna be a bit chilly. We're required to have some adult from the school to be there, so there's a chance it could be cancelled?* (Also, this is the first game I'll have ever actually been part of. And I'll most likely be the only ref there. Ohmigosh >.<)

So, yeah. That's about it.
I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of our nice, long weekend :D

With all due respect,

*Even though you [obviously] can't cancel quidditch.

1 comment:

  1. You're making me hungry again with that picture. D:
